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A Note to Beginners

Greetings Novice Sewers and Soon-to-be Quilters!


Please don't be intimidated about The Lynch Quilts Project or feel you cannot participate due to your level of sewing skills. This project needs EVERYONE, regardless of skill level, in order to reach its communal promise. As such, I highly encourage and personally invite you to participate. There are several blocks that are simple to sew and require just a little patience on your part.  In particular, blocks from Quilts II and IV are ideal for those new to quilting or sewing. As such, below please find a few resources to help point you in the right direction. These resources are by no means a comprehensive introduction to quilt-making, but will definitely put you on the right track. For those that do not have acces to a sewing machine, also make sure to check-out the section on hand piecing. 


Community Resources

Working on the blocks for The Lynch Quilts Project is also the opportunity to get familiar with quilt stores and organizations in your area. Individuals there can help guide you on how to construct your block, as well as become introduced to The Lynch Quilts Project through your efforts. The following links provide information on quilt shops and organizations throughout the nation.


Index of Quilt Stores Nationwide


Index of Quilt Guilds and Exhibitions Worldwide


Multi-Cultural Quilt Resources


General and Basic Quilting 

Resources in this section provide basic information on how quilts are constructed.


Quilt University

This site offers a variety of paid on-line courses that teach workshops from basic to advanced. Courses range between $18-72 and can run between 2-6 weeks.  The site offers a free trial course to give you an opportunity to see firsthand how the courses operate.

This site provides a variety of demonstrations and resources on quilt basics such as how to cut fabric, sew blocks, hand piecing, etc.


Diary of a Quilter

Website provides a series tutorials which explain the quilting supplies and process from beginning to end. How To's 

This site provides a variety of demonstrations and resources on quilt basics such as how to cut fabric, sew blocks, hand piecing, etc.


Quilting for Dummies Cheat Sheet

Site explains a variety of common terms and supplies used in the quilting universe.



COMPREHENSIVE glossary of quilting terminology.


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